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FYI: The European Charter for Media Literacy

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From: HEINDERYCKX  François < FHEINDERYCKX [ at ] admin [ dot ] ulb [ dot ] ac [ dot ] be>
Date: Sep 29, 2006 10:04 PM
Subject: [ecrea] The European Charter for Media Literacy
To: ecrea [ at ] listserv [ dot ] vub [ dot ] ac [ dot ] be

The European Charter for Media Literacy is now open for signature (
http://www.euromedialiteracy.eu/ )

Reading and writing are no longer enough to achieve the internationally
agreed literacy objectives, which are "to achieve one's goals, to develop
one's knowledge and potential, and to participate in society" (OECD 2003).

European nations think that they have literacy levels of well over 90% in
their populations, though definitions of "literacy" are still based on 19th
century concepts.

To play a full role in 21st century European culture, democracy and social
life, European citizens need a broader portfolio of literacy skills, such
-       Accessing a wide range of content across television, Internet, film,
press and radio
-       Choosing their media consumption
-       Challenging biased or offensive media representations
-       Taking full advantage of increasing opportunities make and
distribute their own messages and ideas

Media education in Europe has depended for too long on short-term projects
and time-limited investments. There have been remarkable achievements, but
little coherence of approach, insufficient networking and a lack of
consensus on good practice.

To raise the profile of Media Literacy in Europe and to offer citizens a
broader and more empowering vision of what it means to be literate in the
21st century, an 8-nation group has established The European Charter for
Media Literacy.

The Charter challenges national governments in Europe to integrate media
literacy in their school curricula, and to invest in the necessary training,
resources and assessment that will sustain education in the longer term. It
also challenges media producers to ensure their audiences' access to diverse
cultural and informational sources, and support and foster their
understanding of media content.

By signing the Charter, organisations and individuals endorse a specific
definition of "media literacy" and commit to actions that will contribute to
its development. The Charter thus facilitates consensus and networking
amongst those working in the field in different countries across Europe.

The Charter website at www.euromedialiteracy.eu has been online since April
2006 and has already collected over 100 signatories from a wide range of
countries, institutions and individuals.

A press conference to launch The European Charter for Media Literacy will be
held in Brussels on Thursday 28th September 2006. A panel with
representatives of the European Commission and of the Steering Group will
present the Charter, and explain the next steps in its development.

François Heinderyckx

European Communication Research and Education Association

Postal address:
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Dept of Information and Communication Sciences
Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50/123
BE-1050 Brussels, Belgium

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