> Dear Sir / Ma'am, > Hello, this is Aman Saha, a 2nd year CSE > Sophomore, and I would love to contribute to GFOSS as a part of my GSOC 17 > project. I am really keen to make the web application to manage data on > software components and relation as given in the idea's list. As it is > being developed from scratch I am really excited to initiate my work as > soon as possible. The proposed techstack would be : > 1. Frontend : HTML5, javaScript, jQuery, AJAX,CSS3. > 2. Backend : PHP5 > 3. Database : MYSQL > 4. Hosting : Amazon Web Server. > > If you could help and giude me as to how I should proceed with the further > process, I would be extremely grateful to you. Hi, thanks for your interest. Please use this mailing list for questions about the projects; the generic GFOSS email addresses are much slower. Sure, the technology stack (1-3) that you propose is perfectly acceptable. I am unfortunately not an expert on PHP myself, so I wull not be able to support you fully in development questions, but that should not matter. Regarding the last point of hosting, keep in mind that the end result is a software package, not a service. As such your deliverables are expected to be code and documentation, including scripts and information about installation on diverse environments. You may, of course, use whatever hosting you want for your development instances -- but these will not be part of the evaluation. Keep in mind that you may (and actually strongly encouraged to!) let us know about your application in draft status, so that we can review it before you finalize and submit it. -- -- zvr -- -- +---------------------------+ Alexios Zavras (-zvr-) | H eytyxia den exei enoxes | zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr +-----------------------zvr-+
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