ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Google Season of Docs-2019

Hi everyone,
It's been a hectic weekend for both GFOSS and GSoC aspirants.
Well, during the proposal preparation for GSoC, I realised that there is a
lot of scope to improve current documentation of different projects of
So, If GFOSS has any plan to participate in *Google Season of Docs-2019*,
then please tell me about any prerequisite. And if GFOSS hasn't decided to
participate in GSoD please see this
I think it would be great if we participate in GSoD-2019, it'll help in
community bonding and developing well documented projects.
Please note that the *Deadline for organisation applications *is* April 23,
2019 at 20:00 UTC*
Thank You!
Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava
B.Tech 3rd year,
Electronics and Communication Department
IIT Roorkee, India
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