Good evening, I recently came across the *MyUni* project under GFOSS for GSOC 2025, and I found the idea really exciting! The concept of creating a student website resonates with me because, frankly, most college student websites are outdated, cluttered, and difficult to navigate. A well-designed and functional platform could make a huge difference in improving the student experience. I am a second-year student at *IIT Kharagpur*. I have experience in web development and backend management, having worked on projects involving website creation, database management, and backend development. With my knowledge of MERN stack development, I believe I can contribute effectively to this project. I would love to start contributing before the official contributor registrations open, but I couldn't find a GitHub repository for the project. Could you guide me on how I can get involved and contribute to the open-source work? I’m eager to help in any way possible! Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Aditya Nigam
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