Hello Sir/Madam, I hope the email finds you well.I have been in the sector of software development and programming for 3+ years and throughout that period, I have worked on 2 different major projects that aim to solve the problems in the society.Having worked on those projects, I've got to love open source and since last year, I decided that I should participate in GSoC as it will not only help gain technical skills in addition to what I already have but also help me participate in the process of making world better through technology.As I gave those goals, I have loved GFOSS and felt that it would be a precious opportunity to work for the organization especially in this upcoming GSoC program specifically on the project with the title "*MyUni*". Thank you, and your kind response will be highly appreciated.
---- Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Λίστα αλληλογραφίας και συζητήσεων που απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές developers \& mentors έργων του Google Summer of Code - A discussion list for student developers and mentors of Google Summer of Code projects., https://lists.ellak.gr/gsoc-developers/listinfo.html Μπορείτε να απεγγραφείτε από τη λίστα στέλνοντας κενό μήνυμα ηλ. ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση <gsoc-developers+unsubscribe [ at ] ellak [ dot ] gr>.