ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Reaching out to GFOSS

Hello *Darshan,*

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your interest in the project.
Please prepare a draft proposal and sent here if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
Giannis Prokopiou & Thanos Aidinis

Στις Σάβ 8 Μαρ 2025 στις 3:35 μ.μ., ο/η Darshan MN <mn [ dot ] darshan014 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>

> Hello Sir/Madam,
> I hope this email finds you well. I am currently an undergraduate at the
> National Institute of Technology Karnataka. I have experience working with
> social enterprises and NGOs. I have worked on two different projects
> related to the use of AI Agents in web applications. Over my academic
> journey, I have developed an interest in working on open-source projects
> and contributing meaningfully to organizations.
> I have decided to participate in GSoC'2025 and am particularly interested
> in the project
> *PersonalAIs: Generative AI Agent for personalized music recommendation*.
> I have worked with Python (Django), React, and I know ML libraries (NLTK)
> and others. I have loved GFOSS and felt that it would be a precious
> opportunity to work for this organization, especially in this upcoming
> GSoC'2025 program, specifically on this project.
> Thank you, and your kind response will be highly appreciated
> Darshan M N
> ----
> Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Λίστα αλληλογραφίας και συζητήσεων
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> of Code - A discussion list for student developers and mentors of Google
> Summer of Code projects.,
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Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Λίστα αλληλογραφίας και συζητήσεων που απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές developers \& mentors έργων του Google Summer of Code - A discussion list for student developers and mentors of Google Summer of Code projects.,
Μπορείτε να απεγγραφείτε από τη λίστα στέλνοντας κενό μήνυμα ηλ. ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση <gsoc-developers+unsubscribe [ at ] ellak [ dot ] gr>.


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