Hello, I’m Eftihis Drakakis, a third-year undergrad at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. I’m really excited about the possibility of contributing to the Flex GovDoc Scanner project for Google Summer of Code and wanted to clarify a few things before finalizing my proposal. I have a solid background in AI, Web Development, and Databases, thanks to both coursework and hands-on projects: JavaScript & Web Development: Worked with JavaScript and TypeScript on front-end tasks for etherioparos.com, using Git for version control. Currently diving deeper into Node.js, cloud-based crawling, and OCR, which are directly relevant to this project. Databases: Gained experience with SQL through courses in Design and Use of Database Systems and Implementation of Database Management Systems. AI: Implemented state-space search algorithms, reinforcement learning, and probabilistic models in AI1 (Berkeley CS188 - The Pac-Man Projects). Built a sentiment classifier for a Twitter dataset using logistic regression and TF-IDF, covering data analysis, preprocessing, and feature extraction. Upcoming projects include working on deep neural networks, bidirectional stacked RNNs, and fine-tuning GreekBERT (Hugging Face). A Few Questions: OpenSource DB: After researching, I’m leaning towards Elasticsearch for this project. I think it aligns well with the requirements and expected outcomes. Do you think it’s the right choice, or are there other options I should consider? AI Application: How exactly will AI be used to extract metadata from scanned documents? Project Scope: Given the project requirements and expected outcome, how difficult would this be considered under GSoC? I’m really excited about the opportunity to contribute, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Best regards, Eftihis Drakakis
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