fyi... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: André Rocha <andre [ at ] designadvancedresources [ dot ] org> Date: 2017-11-17 14:50 GMT+02:00 Subject: [CC-Europe] CC Europe Camp and Hackaton 2018 To: CC Europe List <CC-Europe [ at ] lists [ dot ] ibiblio [ dot ] org> Dear CC Europe Friends, In 2016 CC Europe Affiliates met in Lisbon during a very productive regional meeting. Now we want to repeat this experience, orienting it towards a more practical level. We started talking about this and wanted to propose to all of you to organize together such an event in early 2018. We see two main reasons for organizing such an event: Firstly, to get on the same page about the network strategy. We need to understand it, and its implications to our national and regional work. And secondly, to share and collaborate on the ongoing projects and initiatives and sketch future collaborations. We imagine an event that: - Is collaborative and participatory: we would plan and run the event together, with the program shaped by all participants; - Is about getting things done: we are meeting not just to talk, but to get work done - Is a way to build and strenghten ties (and have fun) - sufficient time will be dedicated to simply being together We propose to organize this event sometime in the 1st half of 2018 and have at last 2-3 full days. We would like to find a place that is centrally located in Europe, with good and cheap connections (preferable cheap airline flights). The place would at best be in a rural area, so that we are not distracted by city life and can focus on participation in the event. We would like to start by collecting expressions of your interest. We want to do this event together, sharing with a wider group planning and financing of the event. We have prepared a form that you can fill to express your interest, both as participant, organizer, or funder. You can find the form here: HJcySCBiq9RxBY/edit?usp=sharing We are waiting for your responses until next Friday, 24th November. In order for this plan to work, we need to find a few more people who can help out. As the next step, we will organize a call with people who have expressed interest in helping us out. Best Regards, Alek Tarkowski (CC Poland) André Rocha (CC Portugal) _______________________________________________ CC-Europe mailing list CC-Europe [ at ] lists [ dot ] ibiblio [ dot ] org -- ---------------------------,,,,,
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