ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Fwd: Creative Commons Certificate courses for 2023: reserve your seat today!

  • Subject: Fwd: Creative Commons Certificate courses for 2023: reserve your seat today!
  • From: "Theodoros G. Karounos" <karounos [ at ] eellak [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 16:19:09 +0200
FYI... Creative Commons Certificate courses for 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Από: Jennryn Wetzler <jennryn [ at ] creativecommons [ dot ] org>
Date: Σάβ 3 Δεκ 2022 στις 12:22 π.μ.
Subject: Creative Commons Certificate courses for 2023: reserve your seat
To: Open Education Platform <cc-openedu [ at ] googlegroups [ dot ] com>, CC Global
Network Announces <network-announce [ at ] creativecommons [ dot ] org>

Happy Holidays everyone,

[Excuse the cross posting.]

Creative Commons will host our next CC Certificate courses, starting 30
January 2023! Register for one of the following 2023 courses here


   CC Certificate for Academic Librarians

   CC Certificate for Educators

   CC Certificate for Open Culture/GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and

Gain CC-certified expertise in open licenses and open practices in
education, librarianship or cultural heritage. The CC Certificate provides
a study of copyright, Creative Commons licenses, what it means to engage in
our global, shared information commons. Learn more about the program.

See what people say about CC Certificate courses.
<https://certificates.creativecommons.org/about/testimonials/> Stephen
Craig Finlay, OER and STEM Librarian at UNO Libraries notes:

“If at all possible, take this course.  It's probably the most valuable and
rewarding professional development training I've done since becoming an
academic librarian in 2013. I thought I had a pretty decent grasp of the
ins and outs of Creative Commons before taking the course, and the
difference in my knowledge and skill set now compared to then is night and
day. In my experience, the heavy majority of faculty don't have a great
idea of what CC is, how it works, or what it can do for them.  Being a
campus resource for CC has raised my profile at the university, which has
done wonders for work building and running an OER program. As soon as I
started helping faculty with individual reference consultations about CC,
word started getting around.  Now I'm getting faculty I've never met
emailing me to ask for advice on a CC question, because they heard about me
from a peer.  Money well spent.”

 Again, you can register for a course here


Jennryn Wetzler (she/her) | Director of Learning and Training | Creative
Commons | jennryn [ at ] creativecommons [ dot ] org | schedule a meeting
<https://calendly.com/jennryn> | CC Certificate Program
<https://certificates.creativecommons.org/> and Registration

It's our 20th anniversary. *Support us with a donation.
CC news & updates <https://mail.creativecommons.org/subscribe>.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
email to network-announce+unsubscribe [ at ] creativecommons [ dot ] org.

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