ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

FYI... Third workshop on Wikidata and Wikibase

The third and final workshop will be remote on *Tuesday 28 March 2023* from
14:00 to 16:00. We will recap the experiences shared during the two
previous workshops and ask participants to share their views about the
usefulness and possible challenges related to the implementation of
Wikidata/Wikibase for their own use cases. This event will foster active
participation from attendees. We are particularly interested in listening
to their own reflections and concerns, as well as wishes for future
improvements and additional functionalities. Wikimedia Deutschland
<https://www.wikimedia.de/> will actively participate in this webinar to
learn about their experiences so far and how the SEMIC community can
potentially contribute to the uptake of Wikidata and Wikibase.


Θεόδωρος Καρούνος, PGP KEY: 0x85AE3458
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Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Λίστα αλληλογραφίας και συζητήσεων για την προώθηση ανοικτού ελληνικού περιεχομένου (wikipedia, openstreetmap, openglam),
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