ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Greek Version of United Linux

Dear Sirs,
My Name is Kostas Koumantaros and I am the leader of the Open Source team of the Greek National Reaserch and technology network (http://www.grnet.gr). Our purpose is to promote and support Open Source Software here in Greece. Among other tasks we encourage the localisation of open source software to Greek. I would therefore apreciate it if you could indicate your plans of support for the greek language and the possibility to provide a version localised for greece.

Yours Sincerely

Mr. Kostas Koumantaros

Koumantaros Kostas, MSc
Open Source Development & Planning
Greek Research & Technology Network-GRNET S.A.

56, Mesogion Av., Ampelokipi
11527 Athens
Phone : +30 10 7474246
Fax   : +30 10 7474490
Mobile: +30 977 606622
mailto: kkoum [ at ] grnet [ dot ] gr

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