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LWN: Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)

  • Subject: LWN: Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)
  • From: Yannis Corovesis <ycor [ at ] epmhs [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2003 12:44:18 +0300
μήπως είχαμε και μεις κάποιον στην λίστα που ανησυχούσε παρομοίως ???


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        <h1>Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)</h1>

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        ComputerWorld <a
a peek</a> at memo from Ballmer to all Microsoft employees.  "<span>The
memo came on the heels of an annual retreat that Ballmer spent with other
top Microsoft executives. Although the document covered several issues,
ranging from innovation and product development to people and productivity,
it clearly identified Linux and open-source as a growing threat to the
company, requiring action at the highest level.</span>"  (Thanks to Jay
R. Ashworth)<hr width="60%" align="left">(<a href="/login">Log in</a> to post comments)<p>
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               <tr><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)</b></td></tr>
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        (Posted Jun 5, 2003 23:38 UTC (Thu) by <b>skybunny</b>) (<a href="/Articles/35158/comment">Post reply</a>)
        These comments have been quoted widely in financial circles and are being taken very seriously.
June 5th's trading session saw Microsoft's stock down 3% (MSFT being the second most heavily traded stock on NASDAQ for the day), Redhat Linux's up 10%, and VA Linux's up 44%.
[From CBS MarketWatch:] <i>Among his comments, Ballmer said that Linux and free software products, "present a competitive challenge for us and our entire industry, and they require our concentrated focus and attention."</i>
It's interesting to note what phrase appeared in here as well: 'a competitive challenge for [Microsoft] <i>and our entire industry</i>'.

It will probably become more clear in coming weeks what Microsoft intends to do about this, and how it feels 'the entire industry' should react to Linux's threat.
Today, anyway, one thing is certain; Microsoft is feeling some minor, if real pain from Linux's influence - registered in their stock price.
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               <tr><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)</b></td></tr>
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        (Posted Jun 5, 2003 23:44 UTC (Thu) by <b>Baylink</b>) (<a href="/Articles/35164/comment">Post reply</a>)
        My personal favorite quote is &quot;...an illusion of support and accountability.&quot; <br> <br>Yeah, I think that describes the safety net a home or small business user gets from <br>buying Microsoft, pretty exactly. 
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               <tr><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)</b></td></tr>
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        (Posted Jun 6, 2003 3:23 UTC (Fri) by <b>tjc</b>) (<a href="/Articles/35181/comment">Post reply</a>)
        <i>Yeah, I think that describes the safety net a home or small business user gets from buying Microsoft, pretty exactly.</i><p> Unless things have changed a home of small business user doesn't get <i>any</i> support from Microsoft, at least not without a credit card number.  Part of the deal with OEMs is that they provide the tech support.  At least that was the way it was when I bought my last Dell.  A small business may get in shorter phone queue with more knowledgeable technicians, but still nothing from MSFT.<p> Compare this to the free software community, where you have a fair chance of getting an email response from the guy who wrote the software!
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               <tr><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)</b></td></tr>
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        (Posted Jun 6, 2003 12:19 UTC (Fri) by <b>cpm</b>) (<a href="/Articles/35224/comment">Post reply</a>)
        Again, Ballmer and the M$ties keep alluding to &quot;support&quot;.<p>When will someone pop this festering lie wide open?<p>I began my migration in mindset towards gnu/linux back<br>in early 95 after being told by M$ support that they would<br>tell me how to restore the registry for NT3.0 from<br>tape for $450. I kept wondering what exactly it was<br>I was paying the 5 bucks or so a minute on their<br>900 number for in the first place. Their answer was<br>essentially RTFM. If I'm going to RTFM, I might<br>as well be using community supported software. <p>
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               <tr><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Ballmer targets Linux in annual memo (ComputerWorld)</b></td></tr>
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        (Posted Jun 6, 2003 21:43 UTC (Fri) by <b>petegn</b>) (<a href="/Articles/35328/comment">Post reply</a>)
        Ho Humm more of the usual crud  from that scape goat at M$ dont he ever get <br>the idea  Support whats that M$ dont offer support just ways of cleaning out <br>your bank account double quick i remember i once tried to get support from M$ <br>some years ago before Linux was around and back then it was a joke small <br>company no chance   home user may as well curl up and die cus M$dont want to <br>know  they cant even fix problems for those that can afford to pay their inflated <br>rates (and egos').. <br> 

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