Στις 20/Απρ/2004, ημέρα Τρίτη και ώρα 10:48, ο/η Nikolaos Ladis έγραψε: > Στις Δευ 19 Απρ 2004 16:22, ο/η George Bourozikas έγραψε: > > Για "βαρύ" πακέτο διεθνών προδιαγραφών που χρειάζεται, όμως, αρκετές> ρυθμίσεις, κοίταξε το SQL-LEDGER: http://www.sql-ledger.org/>>> Φιλικά,Γιώργος > Καλημέρα, Το είδα και φαίνεται να είναι καλό ( αν και του λείπει η Ελληνική γλώσσα), Η Ελληνική απόδοση δεν είναι κάτι το ιδιαίτερα δύσκολο, μπορεί να ετοιμαστεί σε βασικό επίπεδο από 1 μεταφραστή και με συνεργασία 2-3 ατόμων (γνώστες ελληνικού λογιστικού σχεδίου) να προστεθούν τα απαραίτητα για να πάρει έγκριση από το υπουργείο, αν χρειάζεται κάτι τέτοιο. δείτε το αρχείο γλώσσας που στέλνω (έτοιμο προς μετάφραση!) > αλλά φοβάμαι ότι δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί.Τα λογιστικά πακέτα από όσο ξέρω θα πρέπει να είναι εγκεκριμένα από το Υπουργείο Οικονομικών, > οπότε κάτι τέτοιο μόνο οι μεγάλες Ελληνικές εταιρίες που δραστηριοποιούνται στο χώρο μπορούν να το κάνουν.Αν κάτι από αυτά που λέω είναι λάθος θα χαρώ πολύ κάποιος να με διορθώσει. > Πάντως γενικά είναι καλό να ξέρει κανείς που βρισκόμαστε όσον αφορά το θέμα των λογιστικών πακέτων για Linux. Έτσι που τρέχουν τα πράγματα στον χώρο μας, ίσως πια να είναι και το μοναδικό μας πρόβλημα για να κάνει κανείς migration σε Linux μια μέση επιχείρηση. > Φιλικά Νίκος Λαδής >
# These are all the texts to build the translations files. # The file has the form of 'english text' => 'foreign text', # you can add the translation in this file or in the 'missing' file # run locales.pl from this directory to rebuild the translation files $self{texts} = { 'AP' => '', 'AP Aging' => '', 'AP Outstanding' => '', 'AP Transaction' => '', 'AP Transactions' => '', 'AR' => '', 'AR Aging' => '', 'AR Outstanding' => '', 'AR Transaction' => '', 'AR Transactions' => '', 'About' => '', 'Access Control' => '', 'Account' => '', 'Account Number' => '', 'Account Number missing!' => '', 'Account Type' => '', 'Account Type missing!' => '', 'Account deleted!' => '', 'Account saved!' => '', 'Accounting' => '', 'Accounting Menu' => '', 'Accounts' => '', 'Active' => '', 'Add' => '', 'Add Account' => '', 'Add Accounts Payables Transaction' => '', 'Add Accounts Receivables Transaction' => '', 'Add Assembly' => '', 'Add Cash Transfer Transaction' => '', 'Add Customer' => '', 'Add GIFI' => '', 'Add General Ledger Transaction' => '', 'Add Group' => '', 'Add POS Invoice' => '', 'Add Part' => '', 'Add Project' => '', 'Add Purchase Order' => '', 'Add Sales Invoice' => '', 'Add Sales Order' => '', 'Add Service' => '', 'Add Transaction' => '', 'Add User' => '', 'Add Vendor' => '', 'Add Vendor Invoice' => '', 'Address' => '', 'Administration' => '', 'Administrator' => '', 'All' => '', 'All Datasets up to date!' => '', 'Amount' => '', 'Amount Due' => '', 'Amount does not equal applied!' => '', 'Amount missing!' => '', 'Applied' => '', 'Apr' => '', 'April' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete Order Number' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => '', 'Assemblies' => '', 'Assemblies restocked!' => '', 'Assemblynumber missing!' => '', 'Asset' => '', 'Attachment' => '', 'Audit Control' => '', 'Aug' => '', 'August' => '', 'BOM' => '', 'Backup' => '', 'Backup sent to' => '', 'Balance' => '', 'Balance Sheet' => '', 'Bcc' => '', 'Beginning Balance' => '', 'Bin' => '', 'Books are open' => '', 'Bought' => '', 'Business Number' => '', 'C' => '', 'COGS' => '', 'Cannot create Lockfile!' => '', 'Cannot delete account!' => '', 'Cannot delete customer!' => '', 'Cannot delete default account!' => '', 'Cannot delete invoice!' => '', 'Cannot delete item!' => '', 'Cannot delete order!' => '', 'Cannot delete transaction!' => '', 'Cannot delete vendor!' => '', 'Cannot post invoice for a closed period!' => '', 'Cannot post invoice!' => '', 'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => '', 'Cannot post payment!' => '', 'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => '', 'Cannot post transaction!' => '', 'Cannot process payment for a closed period!' => '', 'Cannot save account!' => '', 'Cannot save order!' => '', 'Cannot save preferences!' => '', 'Cannot set account for more than one of AR, AP or IC' => '', 'Cannot stock assemblies!' => '', 'Cash' => '', 'Cash based' => '', 'Cc' => '', 'Change' => '', 'Change Admin Password' => '', 'Change Password' => '', 'Character Set' => '', 'Chart of Accounts' => '', 'Check' => '', 'Check printed!' => '', 'Check printing failed!' => '', 'Click on login name to edit!' => '', 'Close Books up to' => '', 'Closed' => '', 'Company' => '', 'Compare to' => '', 'Confirm!' => '', 'Connect to' => '', 'Contact' => '', 'Continue' => '', 'Copies' => '', 'Copy to COA' => '', 'Create Chart of Accounts' => '', 'Create Dataset' => '', 'Credit' => '', 'Credit Limit' => '', 'Curr' => '', 'Currency' => '', 'Current' => '', 'Customer' => '', 'Customer Transaction History' => '', 'Customer deleted!' => '', 'Customer missing!' => '', 'Customer not on file!' => '', 'Customer saved!' => '', 'Customers' => '', 'DBI not installed!' => '', 'Database' => '', 'Database Administration' => '', 'Database Driver not checked!' => '', 'Database Host' => '', 'Database User missing!' => '', 'Dataset' => '', 'Dataset is newer than version!' => '', 'Dataset missing!' => '', 'Dataset updated!' => '', 'Date' => '', 'Date Format' => '', 'Date Paid' => '', 'Date missing!' => '', 'Debit' => '', 'Dec' => '', 'December' => '', 'Decimalplaces' => '', 'Decrease' => '', 'Delete' => '', 'Delete Account' => '', 'Delete Dataset' => '', 'Delivery Date' => '', 'Deposit' => '', 'Description' => '', 'Detail' => '', 'Difference' => '', 'Directory' => '', 'Disc' => '', 'Discount' => '', 'Done' => '', 'Drawing' => '', 'Driver' => '', 'Dropdown Limit' => '', 'Due Date' => '', 'Due Date missing!' => '', 'E-mail' => '', 'E-mail Statement to' => '', 'E-mail address missing!' => '', 'Edit' => '', 'Edit Account' => '', 'Edit Accounts Payables Transaction' => '', 'Edit Accounts Receivables Transaction' => '', 'Edit Assembly' => '', 'Edit Cash Transfer Transaction' => '', 'Edit Customer' => '', 'Edit GIFI' => '', 'Edit General Ledger Transaction' => '', 'Edit Group' => '', 'Edit POS Invoice' => '', 'Edit Part' => '', 'Edit Preferences for' => '', 'Edit Project' => '', 'Edit Purchase Order' => '', 'Edit Sales Invoice' => '', 'Edit Sales Order' => '', 'Edit Service' => '', 'Edit Template' => '', 'Edit User' => '', 'Edit Vendor' => '', 'Edit Vendor Invoice' => '', 'Employee' => '', 'Enforce transaction reversal for all dates' => '', 'Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies' => '', 'Equity' => '', 'Exch' => '', 'Exchange Rate' => '', 'Exchange rate for payment missing!' => '', 'Exchange rate missing!' => '', 'Existing Datasets' => '', 'Expense' => '', 'Expense Account' => '', 'Expense/Asset' => '', 'Extended' => '', 'FX' => '', 'Fax' => '', 'Feb' => '', 'February' => '', 'Foreign Exchange Gain' => '', 'Foreign Exchange Loss' => '', 'Foreign Price' => '', 'From' => '', 'GIFI' => '', 'GIFI deleted!' => '', 'GIFI missing!' => '', 'GIFI saved!' => '', 'GL Transaction' => '', 'General Ledger' => '', 'Goods & Services' => '', 'Group' => '', 'Group Items' => '', 'Group deleted!' => '', 'Group missing!' => '', 'Group saved!' => '', 'Groups' => '', 'HTML Templates' => '', 'Heading' => '', 'History' => '', 'Host' => '', 'Hostname missing!' => '', 'ID' => '', 'Image' => '', 'In-line' => '', 'Include Exchange Rate Difference' => '', 'Include in Report' => '', 'Include in drop-down menus' => '', 'Include this account on the customer/vendor forms to flag customer/vendor as taxable?' => '', 'Income' => '', 'Income Account' => '', 'Income Statement' => '', 'Incorrect Dataset version!' => '', 'Incorrect Password!' => '', 'Increase' => '', 'Individual Items' => '', 'Inventory' => '', 'Inventory Account' => '', 'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this assembly obsolete!' => '', 'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this part obsolete!' => '', 'Invoice' => '', 'Invoice Date' => '', 'Invoice Date missing!' => '', 'Invoice Number' => '', 'Invoice Number missing!' => '', 'Invoice deleted!' => '', 'Invoice posted!' => '', 'Invoices' => '', 'Is this a summary account to record' => '', 'Item deleted!' => '', 'Item not on file!' => '', 'Jan' => '', 'January' => '', 'Jul' => '', 'July' => '', 'Jun' => '', 'June' => '', 'LaTeX Templates' => '', 'Language' => '', 'Last Cost' => '', 'Last Invoice Number' => '', 'Last Numbers & Default Accounts' => '', 'Last Purchase Order Number' => '', 'Last Sales Order Number' => '', 'Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection.' => '', 'Liability' => '', 'Licensed to' => '', 'Line Total' => '', 'Link' => '', 'Link Accounts' => '', 'List Accounts' => '', 'List GIFI' => '', 'List Price' => '', 'List Transactions' => '', 'Lock System' => '', 'Lockfile created!' => '', 'Lockfile removed!' => '', 'Login' => '', 'Login name missing!' => '', 'Logout' => '', 'Make' => '', 'Mar' => '', 'March' => '', 'May' => '', 'May ' => '', 'Message' => '', 'Microfiche' => '', 'Model' => '', 'Multibyte Encoding' => '', 'N/A' => '', 'Name' => '', 'Name missing!' => '', 'New Templates' => '', 'No' => '', 'No Database Drivers available!' => '', 'No Dataset selected!' => '', 'No email address for' => '', 'No.' => '', 'Notes' => '', 'Nothing applied!' => '', 'Nothing selected!' => '', 'Nothing to delete!' => '', 'Nov' => '', 'November' => '', 'Number' => '', 'Number Format' => '', 'Number missing in Row' => '', 'O' => '', 'Obsolete' => '', 'Oct' => '', 'October' => '', 'On Hand' => '', 'On Order' => '', 'Open' => '', 'Oracle Database Administration' => '', 'Order' => '', 'Order Date' => '', 'Order Date missing!' => '', 'Order Entry' => '', 'Order Number' => '', 'Order Number missing!' => '', 'Order deleted!' => '', 'Order saved!' => '', 'Ordered' => '', 'Orphaned' => '', 'Out of balance transaction!' => '', 'Out of balance!' => '', 'Outstanding' => '', 'PDF' => '', 'POS' => '', 'POS Invoice' => '', 'Packing List' => '', 'Packing List Date missing!' => '', 'Packing List Number missing!' => '', 'Paid' => '', 'Paid in full' => '', 'Part' => '', 'Partnumber' => '', 'Partnumber missing!' => '', 'Parts' => '', 'Parts Inventory' => '', 'Password' => '', 'Password changed!' => '', 'Payables' => '', 'Payment' => '', 'Payment date missing!' => '', 'Payment posted!' => '', 'Payments' => '', 'Pg Database Administration' => '', 'PgPP Database Administration' => '', 'Phone' => '', 'Port' => '', 'Port missing!' => '', 'Post' => '', 'Post as new' => '', 'Posted!' => '', 'Postscript' => '', 'Preferences' => '', 'Preferences saved!' => '', 'Price' => '', 'Print' => '', 'Printer' => '', 'Project' => '', 'Project Number' => '', 'Project Number missing!' => '', 'Project deleted!' => '', 'Project saved!' => '', 'Projects' => '', 'Purchase Order' => '', 'Purchase Orders' => '', 'Qty' => '', 'R' => '', 'ROP' => '', 'Rate' => '', 'Recd' => '', 'Receipt' => '', 'Receipt printed!' => '', 'Receipt printing failed!' => '', 'Receipts' => '', 'Receivables' => '', 'Reconciliation' => '', 'Record in' => '', 'Reference' => '', 'Reference missing!' => '', 'Remaining' => '', 'Report for' => '', 'Reports' => '', 'Required by' => '', 'Retained Earnings' => '', 'Sale' => '', 'Sales' => '', 'Sales Invoice' => '', 'Sales Invoices' => '', 'Sales Order' => '', 'Sales Orders' => '', 'Salesperson' => '', 'Save' => '', 'Save as new' => '', 'Save to File' => '', 'Screen' => '', 'Search' => '', 'Select a Dataset to delete and press "Continue"' => '', 'Select all' => '', 'Select from one of the items below' => '', 'Select from one of the names below' => '', 'Select postscript or PDF!' => '', 'Sell Price' => '', 'Send by E-Mail' => '', 'Sep' => '', 'September' => '', 'Service' => '', 'Service Items' => '', 'Servicenumber missing!' => '', 'Services' => '', 'Setup Templates' => '', 'Ship' => '', 'Ship to' => '', 'Ship via' => '', 'Short' => '', 'Signature' => '', 'Sold' => '', 'Source' => '', 'Standard' => '', 'Statement' => '', 'Statement Balance' => '', 'Statement sent to' => '', 'Statements sent to printer!' => '', 'Stock' => '', 'Stock Assembly' => '', 'Stylesheet' => '', 'Subject' => '', 'Subtotal' => '', 'Summary' => '', 'System' => '', 'Tax' => '', 'Tax Accounts' => '', 'Tax Included' => '', 'Tax collected' => '', 'Tax paid' => '', 'Taxable' => '', 'Template saved!' => '', 'Templates' => '', 'Terms: Net' => '', 'Text Templates' => '', 'The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted' => '', 'The following Datasets need to be updated' => '', 'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!' => '', 'Till' => '', 'To' => '', 'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.' => '', 'Top Level' => '', 'Total' => '', 'Transaction Date missing!' => '', 'Transaction deleted!' => '', 'Transaction posted!' => '', 'Transaction reversal enforced for all dates' => '', 'Transaction reversal enforced up to' => '', 'Transactions' => '', 'Transactions exist, cannot delete customer!' => '', 'Transactions exist, cannot delete vendor!' => '', 'Transactions exist; cannot delete account!' => '', 'Transfer' => '', 'Trial Balance' => '', 'Unit' => '', 'Unit of measure' => '', 'Unlock System' => '', 'Update' => '', 'Update Dataset' => '', 'Updated' => '', 'Upgrading Dataset' => '', 'Use Templates' => '', 'User' => '', 'User deleted!' => '', 'User saved!' => '', 'Vendor' => '', 'Vendor Invoice' => '', 'Vendor Invoices' => '', 'Vendor Transaction History' => '', 'Vendor deleted!' => '', 'Vendor missing!' => '', 'Vendor not on file!' => '', 'Vendor saved!' => '', 'Vendors' => '', 'Version' => '', 'Warning!' => '', 'Weight' => '', 'Weight Unit' => '', 'What type of item is this?' => '', 'Year End' => '', 'Yes' => '', 'You are logged out!' => '', 'You did not enter a name!' => '', 'You must enter a host and port for local and remote connections!' => '', 'account cannot be set to any other type of account' => '', 'as at' => '', 'collected on sales' => '', 'days' => '', 'does not exist' => '', 'done' => '', 'ea' => '', 'emailed to' => '', 'for Period' => '', 'is already a member!' => '', 'is not a member!' => '', 'localhost' => '', 'locked!' => '', 'paid on purchases' => '', 'sent to printer' => '', 'successfully created!' => '', 'successfully deleted!' => '', 'to' => '', 'to Version' => '', 'website' => '', }; 1;