The high-level goal of the 0.4 release is to be "experimentally usable"
for a few key end-user tasks. In 0.4, you can:
* Create, edit, and view PIM Items: Email, Calendar Events, Task,
and Notes.
* Add or change the Task, Email, or Event properties of any PIM
item, in a process we call "stamping".
* Share collections of items (including calendars) via a WebDAV server.
* Perform very basic email and calendar operations (e.g. sending and
receiving email, or creating and modifying calendar events).
In addition, the 0.4 Release provides:
* Sending and receiving of mail over a TLS/SSL connection (a fully
secure TLS transport is not implemented yet)
* A basic UI landscape: Sidebar, Tabs, Summary & Detail views
You can download the release for Linux, MacOS, and Windows