As companies ramp up open-source deployments, expertise is in high demand and short supply. The costs of developing talent can add up. ... One of the chief complaints of CIOs and CEOs is that they can't find enough qualified open-source programmers, says Faber Fedor, an open-source consultant with services firm Linux Inc. "I don't think there are enough experienced people out there for the demand," he says. Yankee Group analyst Laura DiDio agrees. "There's a dearth of skilled Linux administrators, by comparison to the more-mature Windows, Unix, NetWare, and Macintosh environments," she says. And what happens when too much demand meets too little supply? "They can command a premium," DiDio says. "They get a 20% to 30% salary premium in the large metropolitan markets." .. -- Asteris Masouras Software Developer - Translator Blog: No software patents in Europe: "Id imperfectum manet dum confectum erit"