IOANNIS MANOLOUDIS wrote [edited]: > Exw kleisei na dwsw exetaseis gia na parw thn pistopoihsh LPIC1. > Poia einai h bash gia na to perasei kapoios? Opws s'oles tis pistopoihseis: na apanthseis opws theloyn aytoi poy ftiaksane to test. :-) disclaimer: Den eimai *katholoy* filos twn (opoiodhpote) certifications, dioti sth pleionothta twn (non-trivial) multiple-choice, h swsth apanthsh einai "it depends" -- kai to lew exontas paideytei arketa gia na grapsw polles tetoies erwthseis... -- -- zvr -- -- +---------------------------+ Alexios Zavras (-zvr-) | H eytyxia den exei enoxes | zvr [ at ] pobox [ dot ] com +-----------------------zvr-+