|There are two ideas behind this CDRom. First is to show an OSS desktop |software stack that runs on Windows. The second is to show all this good |software that will also run on Linux. It is a great tool to prepare |people for a possible move to Linux on the desktop. Regardless of |whether you are planning to move desktops or not, it is all good |quality software and in active development. | |I built this CDRom with the following rules in mind: the software had to |be free and open source and also had to run on both Windows and Linux. |You Apple fans will be happy to know that _some_ of the software titles |are also available on the Mac, but not on this CD. http://www.rlhc.net/blog/?page_id=71 Download: http://www.rlhc.net/downloads/winosscdrom-1.3.iso.torrent http://www.gnulinuxcentar.org/winosscdrom-1.3.iso Γιώργος.