The Digital Doorway project has received further funding and will soon have completed the deployment of 140 open source computers in rural areas across the country. The project, a joint operation between the department of science and technology (DST) and the Meraka Institute, aims at promoting "minimally invasive education and computer literacy" by providing people in rural and disadvantaged areas with freely accessible computer equipment and open source software, enabling them to experiment and learn without formal training and with minimal external input. Running on open source software, the doorways are robust, freestanding multimedia terminals with a keyboard and touchpad. Through the use of a satellite dish they are able to connect to the Internet. The Digital Doorways carry Open Office, educational games, scientific software, 10 000 books from project Gutenburg, snapshots of Wikipedia, curriculum based educational videos, interactive science simulations and an introduction to computer terminology among their many programs. [..] -- Asteris Masouras Software Engineer - Translator GPG public key ID: 0x0AE9A362 Digital rights in Greece: "Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes" -- Juvenal (ca. 60 to 130 AD), Sat. 6, 347