Δεν δουλεύει το touchpad στο XO του υιού μου[1] και ούτε το googling με βοήθησε ούτε απάντηση πήρα μετά από 11 μέρες από το forum.laptop.org. Έχει κανείς κάποια ιδέα για το που αλλού μπορώ να ζητήσω βοήθεια? ____________ [1] περιγράφω τα συμπτώματα στο http://en.forum.laptop.org/viewtopic.php?f=1324&t=176793 : Today I turned on my XO and my touchpad was not responding. I issued the "test mouse" command during boot and I was getting no dots on the screen. I was about to open the case to look for some unlocked connector when I noticed this strange detail: if I pressed really really HARD I was getting dots at the corresponding positions of the screen (as if the touchpad was working). In fact even pressing hard *outside* the main touchpad area was producing dots! However from within sugar no matter how hard I'm pressing I get no mouse movement (same with a xubuntu installation I have in a memory card). Only an external mouse works but that's not an option for most of the time. BTW during the "test mouse" procedure I also noticed that the "PRESURE" indication only shows "UP" and "127" (127 when pressing hard) -- "The software is licensed, not sold" -- MICROSOFT LICENSE TERMS