ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Italy puts Free Software first in public sector

  • Subject: Italy puts Free Software first in public sector
  • From: "Sergey Tsabolov ( aka linuxman )" <sergios [ at ] greeklug [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 00:25:39 +0200
The Italian government has made Free Software the default choice for public administrations. In a document <http://www.digitpa.gov.it/notizie/riuso-valutazione-comparativa-online-circolare> published last Wednesday, the Italian Digital Agency issued rules saying that all government organisations in the country must consider using Free Software before buying licenses for proprietary programs.

The document, titled "Guidelines on comparative evaluation [of software]", sets out a detailed method which public bodies must follow to decide which software to use. They are required to look for suitable Free Software programs, or choose software developed by the public sector. Only if no suitable programs of these types are available may they consider acquiring non-free software.


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