COVID-19 is still spreading exponentially throughout the world. Current statistics indicate that 15-20% of people who get it require hospitalization for respiratory failure for multiple weeks. The hardship falls on elderly people, medical personnel as well as the healthcare system in general. Identifying the main pain points in the current health crisis situation, Data Natives is activating its 78000+ community of data scientists, entrepreneurs, researchers, designers, and tech professionals to come up with solutions for: 1. Protecting the elderly and medical workers 2. Offloading the healthcare system with faster diagnosis options and medical equipment delivery and/or assembly 3. Assisting with daily responsibilities for the ones who need it the most (eg childcare, grocery shopping and medication etc.) This Friday, March 20th, we are kicking off an online hackathon #HackCorona to find creative solutions for given problems within a short period of time. We’re encouraging data scientists, entrepreneurs, social workers, designers, engineers (and everyone!) to join us. Join our Slack channel <> where we’ll share more info very soon. Let’s #HACKCORONA together! *To participate, apply here. <>* -- -- ___________________________ -
---- Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Γενική λίστα αλληλογραφίας και συζητήσεων για την προώθηση των δημόσιων και ανοικτών δεδομένων, Μπορείτε να απεγγραφείτε από τη λίστα στέλνοντας κενό μήνυμα ηλ. ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση <opendata+unsubscribe [ at ] ellak [ dot ] gr>.