---------- Forwarded message --------- Από: Astor Nummelin Carlberg <astor [ at ] openforumeurope [ dot ] org> Date: Τετ, 17 Απρ 2019 στις 7:06 μ.μ. Subject: [OFE FOSS Community List] Re: EU FOSSA 2 Hackathons To: Open Source Community List <foss-community [ at ] openforumeurope [ dot ] org> Dear all, To follow up our earlier email regarding the EU FOSSA 2 Hackathons, the pre-registration for the second one (May 4-5) is now open: https://bma-events.typeform.com/to/UfDIeW?bmauserid=1948BdTDF2EJuu As we mentioned earlier, the EU-FOSSA 2 project has selected the community of Apache Tomcat for its Hackathon in May. In short, you can put in your name in and if EC picks you, they pay for travels. It could be a good opportunity to interact with Tomcat Core team and advanced users, discuss existing and new features etc. In our view, this is a great way to increase EC interactions with developers and the FOSS community more specifically. The FOSSA 2 are looking for developers, especially within public authorities. If you know someone that would be interested in this, just pass it on! More information can be found here: https://eufossahackathon.bemyapp.com/ https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TOMCAT/EU+FOSSA+May+2019 Finally, the October event is still in search of its software community. The European Commission will be happy to receive your suggestions at DIGIT-OSS-STRATEGY [ at ] ec [ dot ] europa [ dot ] eu. Best, Astor On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 10:01, Astor Nummelin Carlberg < astor [ at ] openforumeurope [ dot ] org> wrote: > Dear all, > > We should have shared this earlier, but there are two more hackathons 2019: > > The EU-FOSSA 2 <https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eu-fossa-2> > initiative will host three hackathons > <https://eufossahackathon.bemyapp.com/> during 2019. With over 50 > confirmed participants, the first hackathon focuses on PHP Symfony. It will > took place in Brussels on 6 and 7 April. > > The EU-FOSSA 2 project is organising in parallel a bug bounty for the PHP > Symfony software > <https://www.intigriti.com/public/project/phpsymfony/phpsymfony>. Hackers > can get rewards of up to EUR 15.000 for critical bugs they find. There is > even a 20% bonus added to the prize if the hackers provide a fix for the > bug they report. You can find more information on all the Bug Bounty > programs here <https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/eur-3000-eur-25000>. > > Two more Hackathons will take place on 4-5 May and on 5-6 October 2019. > The EU-FOSSA 2 project has selected the community of Apache Tomcat as the > topic of its Hackathon in May. > > The October event is still in search of its software community. The > European Commission will be happy to receive your suggestions at > DIGIT-OSS-STRATEGY [ at ] ec [ dot ] europa [ dot ] eu. > More info here: > > https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/co-creating-future-open-source-eu-fossa-2-hackathons-2019-mar-21_en > > https://eufossahackathon.bemyapp.com/ > > Best, > Astor > -- > *Astor Nummelin Carlberg* > Senior Policy Adviser > OpenForum Europe > tel +32 (0)2 486 41 52 > mob +32 (0)497 69 08 53 > web http://www.openforumeurope.org > Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope > <https://twitter.com/OpenForumEurope> > -- > OFE Limited, a private company with liability limited by guarantee > Registered in England and Wales with number 05493935 > Registered office: Claremont House, 1 Blunt Road, South Croydon, Surrey > CR2 7PA, UK > -- *Astor Nummelin Carlberg* Policy Director OpenForum Europe tel +32 (0)2 486 41 52 mob +32 (0)497 69 08 53 web http://www.openforumeurope.org Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope <https://twitter.com/OpenForumEurope> -- OpenForum Europe AISBL Registered office: Avenue des Arts 56, Brussels 1000, Belgium -- ___________________________ https://gfoss.eu/ - https://ellak.gr/
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