... " We are currently looking for passionate Software Engineers to help us push the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector into the future and support the Ministries and Public Bodies with advanced solutions. Our first and immediate step in our plans is to develop and deploy a modular infrastructure that connects existing Information Systems owned by Public Administration Bodies and allows the execution and monitoring of public services. As a Software Developer, you will analyze and develop a number of services and solutions. You will be part of a talented team of software engineers that demonstrate superb technical competency, delivering mission critical services and applications. The team members are professionals, with a mindset to innovate, automate, streamline, and provide value to GRNET and to the users of the offered services. " ... https://apply.workable.com/grnet-sa/j/7BEA03342C/ -- ____________________________________________ https://ellak.gr/wiki/ - https://gfoss.eu/ - https://ellak.gr/
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