ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

FYI... STF Open Source Fellowship

" The Sovereign Tech Fund <https://www.sovereigntechfund.de/> is currently
seeking input for the design of a pilot for a fellowship program, by which
we aim to pay for the work of open source maintainers. With this pilot, we
want to test a support mechanism that addresses structural issues in the
ecosystem, and support open source maintainers who work on open digital
infrastructure in the public interest.

To inform the design of the fellowship, we have created a questionnaire to
better understand the needs and preferences of open source maintainers.

Thank you for taking the time and supporting us in this effort. We estimate
that this survey won't take more than 10 minutes.

We included a text box at the end of the survey for general ideas and

... https://survey.sovereigntechfund.de/968766 "

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