ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Fwd: MoE STEM WG / Updates / 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign now running


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Από: Agueda Gras-Velazquez <agueda [ dot ] gras [ at ] eun [ dot ] org>
Date: Δευ 12 Φεβ 2024 στις 12:18 μ.μ.
Subject: MoE STEM WG / Updates / 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign now running
To: Panagiotis Angelopoulos <angelopoulos [ at ] eellak [ dot ] gr>
Cc: Marc Durando <Marc [ dot ] Durando [ at ] eun [ dot ] org>, Isidora Salim <
isidora [ dot ] salim [ at ] eun [ dot ] org>, Vassiliki Kotsikopoulou <kotsiko [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>, <
angelopoulos [ dot ] takis [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>, Manolis Sarlamis <esarlamis [ at ] minedu [ dot ] gov [ dot ] gr>

* The Scientix 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign (SDC)
<https://www.scientix.eu/campaigns/sdc/sdc24>* is a *joint international
initiative*, co-organized this year with the* Life Terra project
<https://www.lifeterra.eu/en>*, that invites educators, projects,
organisations, libraries, schools, universities, youth clubs and all the
interested stakeholders across Europe and beyond to celebrate careers and
studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM). The campaign runs *from 1 February to 30 April 2024,*  and
everybody is invited to share their STEM activities through the SDC map
<https://www.scientix.eu/campaigns/sdc/sdc24_map>. In this year campaign,
we are introducing for the first time the *Scientix Awards
<https://www.scientix.eu/campaigns/sdc/sdc24_awards>*, dedicated to
celebrating outstanding achievements of educators in science education
across various educational themes and domains, fostering innovation and
promoting excellence in teaching and learning. Check out:

   - The website of the Campaign:
   - Scientix Awards: https://www.scientix.eu/campaigns/sdc/sdc24_awards
   - The SDC2024 Scientix TV episode introducing the 2024SDC:
   - The SDC2024 Introductory video:
   - The updated app:

It has only been a week and a half and there are already almost 150
activities from 17 different countries.

Now the question is: *How many STEM activities will be included from your
country? How many of your educators will be selected for a Scientix Award?
Is your STEM education community ready to show how great they are? *
*And how can we help them share with the world and inspire other educators?

*Dr Agueda Gras-Velazquez, Science Programme Manager | Head of the Science
Education Department*
Scientix | STEM Alliance | STEM School Label | the SEER| EmpowerED |
NBSEduWORLD | *and (many) more...*
*European Schoolnet (EUN Partnership AISBL)*, Rue de Trèves 61, B-1040
*t:* +32 (0)2 790 75 83 *f:* +32 (0)2 790 75 85 *skype:* agueda.gras
www.europeanschoolnet.org | www.scientix.eu |

*European Schoolnet | Transforming education in Europe*
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