ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Phygital Newsletter: Design Global, Manufacture Local: A sustainable way to produce, share and live!

  • Subject: Phygital Newsletter: Design Global, Manufacture Local: A sustainable way to produce, share and live!
  • From: Οργανισμός Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών - ΕΕΛΛΑΚ <info [ at ] eellak [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 12:22:47 +0200
Design Global, Manufacture Local: A sustainable way to produce, share and

Phygital is a transnational cooperation project, bringing together partners
from Greece, Cyprus and Albania. It explores a new mode of production,
which is based on the convergence of global digital commons of knowledge,
software and design with local manufacturing technologies.

Seeds of this model codified as “Design Global, Manufacture Local (in short
DGML) have been exemplified by prominent projects and initiatives in free
and open source software, open design and open hardware domains. Projects
such as RepRap, Farm Hack or WikiHouse demonstrate the potential of this
approach in different fields, with various important technological, social
and economic dimensions. Communities around the world can organise around
pooled resources, share knowledge and technology across the globe and
co-create customised solutions to cover their needs, adapted to the local
biophysical conditions.

Phygital aims to build the necessary physical and digital infrastructures
to support such forms of production, facilitate collaboration and enhance
their economic sustainability, namely:


   three community-driven makerspaces, equipped with distributed
   manufacturing technologies, including high-end digital fabrication
   machines, as well as traditional tools;

   a digital platform for the stewardship of a global commons of knowledge,
   software and design.

Launched in September 2017, three scalable pilot programmes have been
designed and are currently under-way concerning:


   agricultural production in Northern Tzoumerka, Greece;

   social arts and practices in Lakatamia, Cyprus; and

   cultural heritage in Korce, Albania.

Local communities collaboratively design and manufacture solutions to
service practical and social needs and form entrepreneurial coalitions to
create livelihood, sustain and further invest in their common living and

To find out more about the project, partners and pilots visit:
https://phygitalproject.eu. Stay updated through our monthly Newsletter here
<https://newsletters.ellak.gr/?p=subscribe&id=2>. Follow us on social
media: Facebook <https://fb.me/projectphygital>, Twitter
<https://twitter.com/projectphygital>, Youtube

*Οργανισμός Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών - ΕΕΛΛΑΚ *
Τηλ: 210 2209380
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