... 10:15 - 10:50 Aggelos Kiayias <http://www.di.uoa.gr/%7Eaggelos> Title. Foundations of Blockchain Protocols Abstract. The rise of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies puts forth a wealth of interesting problems in distributed systems and cryptography that relate to building decentralized systems. In this talk, we discuss what is the exact problem that the bitcoin protocol solves and then go on to investigate whether and in what ways the protocol can be improved. The protocol itself will be abstracted in a simple algorithmic form, termed as the bitcoin backbone, and subsequently provable properties like chain quality, common prefix and chain growth will be detailed. The concept of a robust transaction ledger will be defined, as captured by two basic properties, persistence and liveness. Alternatives to the main protocol such as GHOST will be overviewed as well as the relation of the defined properties and protocols to the consensus problem. ... http://crypto.di.uoa.gr/CRYPTO.SEC/Crypto.Sec_Day_6_with_Abstracts.html -- --------------------------- http://www.eellak.gr/, http://mycontent.ellak.gr/, http://www.creativecommons.gr, https://opengov.ellak.gr/, https://opendata.ellak.gr/, https://opendesign.ellak.gr/, http://mathe.ellak.gr/
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