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Fw: [Etoys] Translations

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bert Freudenberg" <bert [ at ] freudenbergs [ dot ] de>
To: "etoys" <etoys [ at ] laptop [ dot ] org>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 12:37 PM
Subject: [Etoys] Translations

We should make use of the OLPC/Fedora translation efforts. For this, we need to export the strings to be translated as a POT file (see msg below). Then translation can happen independently of Squeak tools.

POT files are very simple text files:


A help to potential translators would be if the generated POT file would include comments explaining the context in which the original phrase appeared.

Any volunteer? Should we ask the broader Squeak community for help?

- Bert -

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marco Pesenti Gritti <mpg [ at ] redhat [ dot ] com>
Date: June 28, 2007 10:35:38  GMT+02:00
To: Sugar Mail List <sugar [ at ] laptop [ dot ] org>
Subject: [sugar] Translations


I added a page to the wiki with instructions for activity translations
(for both developers and translators).


The process will be refined as the Fedora translations web site improves
but what we have now should be enough to start.

Sugar mailing list
Sugar [ at ] lists [ dot ] laptop [ dot ] org

Etoys mailing list
Etoys [ at ] lists [ dot ] laptop [ dot ] org

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