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Fwd: First batch of videos from LibrePlanet 2013 published!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Free Software Foundation*
Date: Thursday, August 8, 2013
Subject: First batch of videos from LibrePlanet 2013 published!
To: "Theodoros,G. Karounos" <karounos [ at ] mail [ dot ] ntua [ dot ] gr>

Dear Theodoros,G. Karounos,

The first round of videos from LibrePlanet
2013<https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2013>is now
available for streaming and downloading. LibrePlanet is an annual
conference sponsored and organized by the Free Software Foundation, with
LibrePlanet 2013 being the best one
All current associate members of the FSF enjoy the perk of being able to attend
LibrePlanet without paying an entry fee <https://fsf.org/jfb>. This year we
set out to make sure LibrePlanet featured fully functioning live video
streaming using only free software, and it was a great success. The videos
are now available for viewing in VP8/Vorbis, both free media formats, and
are hosted on an instance of GNU MediaGoblin <http://mediagoblin.org/>, the
social media sharing platform which many of you helped

If you missed LibrePlanet this year or didn't have time to attend all the
talks, there are lots of great sessions worth watching. In total, seven
talks are included in this batch of videos. They include:

   - "Outreach Program for Women: Lessons in
Marina Zhurakhinskaya
   - "When Free Software isn't (Practically)
Better"<http://media.libreplanet.org/u/libby/m/mako/>by Benjamin Mako
   - "Replicant: Addressing Android Freedom
Issues"<http://media.libreplanet.org/u/libby/m/denis-carikli/>by Denis
   - "Free Software and 3D
Printing"<http://media.libreplanet.org/u/libby/m/aeva-palecek/>by Aeva
   - "Expanding the
Beth Lynn Eicher, Jonathan Nadeau, and Deb Nicholson
   - "Demystifying Blender: Quick Ways to Get into 3D Graphics with Free
   Software" <http://media.libreplanet.org/u/libby/m/bassam-kurdali/> by
   Bassam Kurdali
   - "Debian & GNU"<http://media.libreplanet.org/u/libby/m/stefano-zacchiroli/>by
Stefano Zacchiroli

These videos are just from the first set of talks. In the coming weeks, we
will be posting more of the dozens of hours of footage from talks, panels,
and workshops at media.libreplanet.org. Continuing in our theme of freedom
and community production, these videos are all freely licensed for easy
sharing and remixing. Check back soon for more.

We have already started planning LibrePlanet 2014. To make sure you hear
the details as soon as they are available, subscribe to the mailing


William Theaker

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