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Fwd: European Data Forum 2015_Call for contributions

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From: Alexandra Garatzogianni <garatzogianni [ dot ] alexandra [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
Date: 2015-04-16 14:15 GMT+03:00
Subject: European Data Forum 2015_Call for contributions
To: info [ at ] eellak [ dot ] gr

Dear all,

Please find below the call for contributions for EDF2015 that is now
launched. We would be very happy if you can spread it to your interested

Thank you in advance.

Please feel free to contact me for any further clarifications.

Best regards,

Alexandra Garatzogianni

*European Data Forum 2015 * <http://2015.data-forum.eu/>

* November 16-17, 2015 *
* Centre de Conférences Kirchberg | 4, place de l’Europe | L-1499


*Theme of EDF2015*

*Exploiting Data Integration*

*http://2015.data-forum.eu/* <http://2015.data-forum.eu/>

The European Data Forum (EDF) is an annual meeting place for industry,
research, policy makers, and community initiatives to discuss the
challenges and opportunities of the Global and European data economy.
Spurred by recent developments such as Big Data and Data-driven Business,
data has become the fourth production factor (next to personnel, capital,
and natural resources), which offers completely new opportunities and at
the same time it confronts us with novel challenges. The forum balances
technical, business-oriented and socio-economic, perspectives and
approaches in order to develop a vibrant, interdisciplinary stakeholder
community. Special focus will be devoted to innovation and business
opportunities opened by data technologies and their exploitation, in the
perspective of a digital single market in Europe.

EDF 2015 intends to bring together all stakeholders (industry and research
institutions) involved in the data value chain in order to strengthen the
European data economy and its positioning worldwide. Specifically, the
forum will serve as a platform and a business and technology oriented
exhibition space for the 'Data Public Private Partnership' established by
the European Commission and the European data community. Stakeholders will
mutually reinforce their strategies, which will result in a
forward-looking, dynamic, and well-integrated EU-wide data ecosystem.

In the conviction that the potential of the data economy strongly relies on
the capacity to manage the multitude and variety of data that are produced,
the major focus of EDF 2015 is “data integration”.  In this perspective the
conference will be an opportunity to discuss and confront experiences where
the integration of data form multiple sources (e.g. videos and text),
actually produces added value, and where innovative technologies (e.g.
combining structured and unstructured data) may contribute to open new
application scenarios towards the digital single market in Europe.

With this call for contributions we are seeking inspiring presentations
addressing concrete experiences addressing all aspects of data integration.

*Conference Topics*

The following is a non-exhaustive list of specific topics of interest at
EDF 2015:

   · More and more data is produced directly from sensors or other
   technical devices. Therefore, EDF wants to offer a forum for sensor systems
   as well as high performance computing and analytics on large-scale European
   datasets. Only by making sensor data smarter and at the same time
   increasing our analytics performance will we be able to handle the data
   tsunami expected. EDF will provide show off examples demonstrating how the
   European industry approaches those problems.

   · It can be expected that European companies will predominantly benefit
   from the application of data-driven technology and business approaches to
   their application domains. Therefore, it is critical that we tackle the
   divide of domain knowledge (mainly available within expert’s heads) and big
   data analytics. Only the development of mechanisms which enable to utilize
   preexisting knowledge within analytics engines as well as discovering new
   knowledge from analytics results is essential. The EDF will be instrumental
   in bringing communities from research fields as different as human factors,
   visual analytics, and machine learning together.

   · The European data economy will need a large number of data scientists
   of various types. Already now qualified personnel is scarce. It will be
   crucial to foster high-quality qualification programs both on the technical
   aspects of data science as well as in the application and sense making
   within the application areas. The EDF will address this need by offering a
   space to discuss qualification needs and possible programs as well as
   foster such programs on European as well as national level.

   · Because of the strategic importance of multilingualism in Europe, a
   specific topic of interest of EDF is the integration and co-operation of
   the European data community with the language resources, natural-language
   and technology communities. The synergy of these communities is critical
   for new types of multilingual digital services and the creation of a
   European digital single market without language barriers.

EDF 2015 will be held in Luxembourg, on* November 16-17, 2015*. The program
will consist of a mixture of presentations, panels and networking sessions
by industry, academics, policy makers, and community initiatives. Topics
will cover a wide spectrum of research and technology development,
applications, and socio-economic aspects of the data value chain, with a
particular attention at exploiting data integration.

We distinguish between the following types of presentations:

   · *In-use contribution*: Presentations with a practical, industry- or
   user-oriented focus by representatives of technology providers, adopters,
   and user organizations. Innovative data applications in different sectors
   of the European Economy (public sector, finance and insurance, health,
   energy, telecommunications etc.), Open Data in use, Domain knowledge &
   analytics (human in the loop)

   · *Research contribution*: Presentations with a technical focus
   reporting concrete experiences by representatives of academia and research
   centres. This includes new data models and languages, optimized
   architectures, content analytics, data mining, blind data analytics,
   predictive analytics, deep data, predictive models, semantic technologies &
   the web of data, language resources and technologies, geospatial data
   techniques, visual analytics, sensemaking of big data, ubiquitous computing
   and augmented reality as well as adaptive systems for contextualization and

   · *Impact contribution*: Presentations with a specific focus on
   impact-creation activities including policy development, road-mapping,
   standardisation, exploitation and training, data-driven business models,
   legal issues, privacy and Data Literacy Policies and the European
   regulatory framework, Data Governance (Security, Provenance, and
   Anonymization), Socio-economic and policy issues of Open Data.


*Industrial Applications*

   · Domain knowledge & analytics (human in the loop)

   · Innovative data applications in different sectors of the European
   Economy (public sector, finance and insurance, health, energy,
   telecommunications etc.)

   · Data for development

   · Open Data in Use

*Data Management & Deep Analytics*

   · New data models and languages

   · Optimized architectures

   · Deep data and content analytics and data mining

   · Blind data analytics

   · Predictive analytics

   · Semantic Technologies & the Web of Data

   · Language Resources, Processing and Technologies

   · Geospatial Data Techniques

*Advanced Visualization & User Experience*

   · Visual analytics

   · Sensemaking of big data

   · Ubiquitous computing and augmented reality

   · Adaptive systems for contextualization and personalization

   · Qualification programs and teaching approaches of sense making and big

*Socio-economic and Policy Issues*

   · Economic and business models for Big Data markets

   · Data-driven business models

   · Legal issues (who owns the data?), Privacy and Data Literacy

   · Policies and the European regulatory framework

   · Data Governance: Security, Provenance, and Anonymization Techniques

   · Socio-economic and policy issues of Open Data

*Data Visions for the Future*


Each proposal for a presentation will have to provide the following

   · Contributor names and short CVs

   · Type of the presentation proposed

   · Title of the presentation

   · Summary of the presentation (<100 words)

   · Extended abstract of the presentation (at most 2 pages in 11pt A4

Proposals for presentations should be submitted as a single PDF file at
If you experience any difficulties using the submission system, please send
the proposal via e-mail to *edf2015 [ at ] data-forum [ dot ] eu* <edf2015 [ at ] data-forum [ dot ] eu>.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee of EDF 2015
according to their relevance to the scope and purpose of the event.

*Important Dates*

*Submission of proposals: May 15 2015, 23:59 WET*

Notification of acceptance or rejection: June 5 2015

Full EDF2015 program available: end of July 2015

*Further Information about the European Data Forum 2015*

EDF2015 website: *http://2015.data-forum.eu/* <http://2015.data-forum.eu/>

Overall EDF website: *http://www.data-forum.eu/* <http://www.data-forum.eu/>

LinkedIn Group: *http://bit.ly/linkedin-EDF* <http://bit.ly/linkedin-EDF>

Twitter: *https://twitter.com/#!/EUDataForum* <https://twitter.com/> hashtag:

*Free of charge attendance*

* Who should attend? *Industry, academia, policy-makers, decision-takers,
civil society
* What is happening?* Prestigious speakers, Call for presentations,
European Data Innovator Award 2015, Exhibitions and demos, Poster session,
Gala Dinner, Satellite events

For more details, please visit the conference website: *2015.data-forum.eu*
Download the Save the Date Flyer *here*
<http://2015.data-forum.eu/sites/default/files/EDF-Flyer_WEB1.pdf>*. *
 *EDF2015 is a EU Presidency Event*

*Supported by the European Commission*

*Organising Partners*

 *Practical information*

* Language:* English
* Duration: *2 days
* Dates: *November 16-17, 2015
* Venue:* Centre de Conférences Kirchberg  | 4, place de l’Europe | L-1499
* Registration fee: *The registration is free of charge, but mandatory.
* Registration: *Registration opens in May 2015
* Contact: *Catalina Fiévez | Luxembourg Institute of Science and
Technology | Phone: +352 42 59 91 - 300 | Email: *edf2015 [ at ] data-forum [ dot ] eu*
<edf2015 [ at ] data-forum [ dot ] eu>
* Conference website: **http://2015.data-forum.eu/*

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