Ηλίας Σταμάτης wrote [edited]: > I am posting to this list in order to request a bit more information about > the "Files DB" and "Software components and IP Management" GSoC projects in > which I am interested. My name is Ilias and I'm a final year CS student > from Greece. Hi, thanks for your interest. > Both ideas seem interesting, however their descriptions are not that clear > to me. Especially for the "Software components and IP Management" one, I > cannot understand what is requested. Hence, I would like a bit broader > description and more clarifications for these projects. I'll create a couple of pages in the wiki, one for each project, and save additional information there. (as soon as some access problems get resolved). -- -- zvr -- -- +---------------------------+ Alexios Zavras (-zvr-) | H eytyxia den exei enoxes | zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr +-----------------------zvr-+
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