ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

[opensource-devs] [GSoC] Clio - Questions


I am preparing my application for GSoC. I'm interested in the Clio project.

Prior to my application I'd like to ask some questions:

1. Will we need authentication for the system? Will we support user
registration etc? I guess not, but I am asking here just in case.

2. You are asking for integration with LDAP. Can you please explain this in
a more detailed way. I don't have experience with LDAP and I don't
understand what is asked here.

3. How do you image the UI / home page? I will tell you how I imagine it
and I would like some feedback.

I have something like that in mind: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/

When a user enters the homepage he will be able to see a list of components
along with their data. He will be able to sort by OBL, IBL, whatever by
clicking on the corresponding column. A search bar will be provided above
that will let the users query the database. Finally, by clicking in any
component he will be able to see more details about this specific

Is this on the right direction? Any thoughts? Anything to add?

Thank you very much for your time.

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