[Answering in English to the list, in order to promote transparency.]
Than you for asking feedback on your proposal. Your proposal contains
many worthwhile details concerning yourself. However, it can be improved
on the technical part where you describe what you plan to contribute.
Here you want to demonstrate that you have already studied the project
and you have concrete ideas regarding the project and also the require
engineering background in order to implement them. So instead of
writing "I will add ..." you could write "I intend to extend and
parameterize ... so that the project can support .... This can be done
by adding a structure in ..., including the library ..., and
implementing the functions .... The outcome can be tested by ..." etc.
Kind regards,
On 26/03/2017 20:28, christo kotsi wrote:
Έγραψα σήμερα μια πρόταση η οποία όμως, θελει κάποιες ενημερώσεις. Αυτό
που θα ήθελα ουσαστικά είναι λίγη βοήθεια πάνω στην πρόταση αυτή, επειδή
είναι η πρώτη φορά που γράφω κάτι αντίστοιχο. Οπότε οποιαδήποτε
αλλαγή/συμβουλή ή πρόταση για κάτι καινούριο, είναι ευπροσδεκτή και εγώ
πρόθυμος να την συζητήσω.
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