ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [opensource-devs] GSoC FilesDB Project

George Xenos wrote [edited]:
> I would like to ask Mr. Zavras a couple of questions about the FilesDB
> GSoc Project and more specifically about the storage part. As I
> understand the database should be able to answer some questions about
> the stored files. Are all these questions going to be implemented as
> sub commands?

yes, I'd assume that whatever you want to learn would be a subcommand.
we can think about more general commands, obviously,
with options that specify the results one is interested in.

> Also I would like to ask how are we supposed to
> implement the "how similar are two archives/repositories" question? Do
> we only need to compare the hashes we got (ssdeep,sdhash,etc ) or do
> we have to take more things into account?

heh... "similarity" and "differences" between two things
is an open definition (and a nice research topic).  for example,
what's the difference of two files?  there are many algorithms
to compute it, and they may be based on different metrics
(least number of changes; least size of change bytes; etc.).
if one's interested in this, it's worthwhile to study the various
"file diff" implementations -- back on Research Unix, then on BSD,
GNU diff, as well as the ones inside version control systems.

therefore, I do not have a definite answer for you on this.

the typical use case is trying to find similar "packages"
(which means directory tress with files).
for example: if you see a directory "hello" with files inside,
which of the GNU hello versions (http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/)
is the "closest"?
or if you have a .tar.gz and a git repo,
which version (commit id) of the repo contents
would produce the archive (or is "closest" to it)?

hope this helps a little,

-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |       zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr
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