ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

[opensource-devs] Interest in PyPen

Good morning.

My name is Andreas and i am a student in Hellenic Open University, for the
Computer Science Master degree.

My plan, according to the expected results:

   A) User Reconnaissance & Information gathering
-Facebook Scrapper: Use of Facebook Graph API to gather needed information
of a user.
-Username List Creator: Option to use certain letters and max length of
username, to create a username list. Brute force method.
-Dictionary Creator: Same as username list creator. Option to load
dictionary from text file (since many tested dictionaries are available

    B. Target System Reconnaissance & Information gathering
- Port Scanner can be achieved by using Python built in libraries.
- Will need guidance for PID and File statistics

     C. Attack PenTest tools
- DoS attack by sending multiple requests on responding ports
- Bruteforce attack will use a dictionary or password length restrictions
in order to try logging in a remote FTP server.
- Will need guidance on Ransomware script. My initial idea is to encrypt
user's folders with a complex algorithm. Possibly use   AES256-CBC, for
which existing open-source libraries exist.

Combos Andreas.
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