ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Replacement of LTSP

I did extensive research for netbooting clients under UEFI,
I've filed related bug reports in the shim/grub/ipxe bug trackers,
and I've documented my findings and included appropriate boot.ipxe
and dnsmasq.conf configuration files in my gsoc proposal.

I've shared a draft of my proposal in the gsoc site, and I'm ready
to finalize it, could you please review if anything's amiss?

Thank you.

On 3/25/19 7:55 PM, Foteini Tsiami wrote:
(Sorry it was sent too soon, resending...)

The most significant task is the proposal itself, that should document
all the necessary changes to LTSP along with their expected deadlines.

That said, one of the tasks that can be somewhat isolated and
considered an "application task" is the handling of UEFI clients.
So, applicants are requested to research and document in github the
appropriate changes to LTSP (or its replacement) to handle clients
that netboot under UEFI, either with or without secure boot enabled.
The software stacks that may help in this are:
- shim.efi, for secure uefi netbooting
- grub.efi
- syslinux.efi
- ipxe.efi

A dnsmasq.conf that works with both BIOS and UEFI clients should be
included in the documentation.
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