ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: GSoC Projects : Deepbots

Hello Vedant,

I am glad to hear that you are interested in contributing to deepbots
project! Indeed, your plan seems that is the best way to be prepared for
the GSoC proposal phase. First of all, feel free to contact us via email
for any help or open a discussion at project's github page. In order to
be familiar with webots and deepbots you can try to run and reproduce
the examples included at deepworlds repository. There are extensive
tutorials in deepbots-tutorials repository. If you find a bug or develop
a fix you are welcome to open an issue or PR respectively. After all you
can checkout the deepbots' issues which are tagged with 'ideal first
issue' in order to be familiar with the codebase.

Feel free to contact us for help. You can join GFOSS
matrix channel as well.

Best regards,



On 11/3/21 5:22 π.μ., Vedant Shah wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am Vedant Shah, a pre-final year undergraduate student at BITS
> Pilani, India. I am primarily interested in two projects hosted by
> GFOSS for GSoC 2021: “Extend Deepbots to support stable-baseline and
> implement gym style default Reinforcement Learning Experiments” and
> “Extend Deepbots to support evolutionary algorithms”.
> A little bit on my background: I have been working in the fields of
> deep learning and (especially) reinforcement learning for quite some
> time now and have worked on / am working on several related projects
> and research. As a part of these, I have significant experience with
> working with deep learning frameworks like PyTorch, tensorflow, etc.
> and also with tools specific to reinforcement learning such as OpenAI
> gym, stable-baselines, rllib, etc. I am also a core-contributors to a
> pytorch first reinforcement learning library. A part from
> reinforcement learning, I have also worked in robotics on tasks such
> as navigation, motion planning and control.
> I have always been interested in real-world reinforcement learning and
> specially it’s applications in robotics. IMy avid interests in
> real-world RL is the main driving  factor behind be choosing these
> projects (I’ll be happy to work on any of these). Although I am not
> familiar with Webots **yet** it seems like a really actionable
> platform for testing out algorithms in context of robotics. I have
> grown familiar to deepbots over the past couple of days and am pretty
> confident I can pull (any of) these two projects off.
> Currently I have a very rough plan of action in mind which includes
>   * Getting comfortable with Webots (can be done before the actual
>     work period begins)
>   * Researching upon some relevant evolutionary algorithms (for eg.
>     which have been proved to be robust to noisy data) which can be
>     used in context of robotics
>   * Start implementing those
> For the stable-baselines project, I am already familiar and have used
> stable-baselines before and directly jump to integrating it once I am
> familiar Webots (again, this can be done before the actual work period
> begins). I am aware that these plan of action is not very detailed and
> is very unrefined. So I’d like to get in touch with the mentors Manos
> Kirtas, Konstantinos Tsampazis, Nikolaos Passalis to discuss the
> project further. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
> Regards,
> Vedant
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> ----
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