ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

some more info for PackageInfo WebApp

Hi all,

since we reached the start of the application submission period,
I thought I'd share some specifics about the PackageInfo WebApp project.

It has been pointed out to me (thanks, Alkis!) that maybe the goal
of the project has not been made clear, so let me try to provide
some more info:

The main goal of the project is to develop a read-only web interface
to a database of information about Linux distribution packages.
A collateral goal is to develop the software and process to create
and update this database.
Given the size of GSoC, I believe that one student should be able
to complete both these goals.

Let me repeat and be absolutely clear: the goal of the project
is to create the *software* -- that anyone could use and run.
It is *not* to create or set up a specific instance providing
this as a service. Running the software to collect the data
will obviously occur (in order to test it, for example),
but the collection of all data is not a priority.

As a general rule, this should be considered an easy project
and should be treated as one. Any unwarranted complexity
will be a disadvantage in a proposal.
To give an extreme example: it is much, much better to propose
a single Python file handling an SQLite database than
to propose a system based on Kubernetes, docker images,
and a large number of components that are not essential.
Remember: simple software, easily usable (and deployable)
by anyone is what we're looking for.

Finally, a word about the student applications: feel free to include
any information that you find relevant and improves your chances.
During the next two weeks, before the final version of the application
is submitted, you may ask the mentors to review a draft application.
Please be advised that, due to work load (we expect a large number
of applications) this might take a while -- be patient.  As much
as we'd like to provide a review for all the students who request it,
we may not be able to do so. Do *not* miss the deadline to submit
a final application if you have not heard back!

Hope this helps,

-- zvr -
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