ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [GSoC21] Cms Project

Hi Giannis
Thanks a lot for the valuable suggestions :) , will modify it right away.

Thanks and regards
Sanskar Gupta

On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 12:18 PM Giannis E. Skitsas <iskitsas [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>

> Hi Sanskar,
> Have a look at this proposal template
> <https://ellak.gr/wiki/index.php?title=Proposal_Template> for general
> instructions. You can also find others over the internet and combine
> suggestions.
> For your proposal I have the following comments:
>    - It should be clear the project you are referring to by the official
>    title and a link to the project.
>    - In your project details section I would suggest to be more specific
>    and clear. You can provide a better description based on the info you
>    already have
>    - I suggest using better headlines on your "Problem Statement"
>    section. If you were about to create a table of contents how would those
>    headlines (P1,P2) would look?
>    - You can provide a section summarising all the technologies you will
>    be using. It would be easier for the reader to instantly identify the
>    technology stack without having to read all the sections
>    - I suggest to re-organize your sections (mostly in project details)
>    related to any new architecture or implementation, so it is more clear what
>    you will be doing. (Sub)Sections/headlines proposals could be something
>    like: Frontend Implementation , Monitoring and alerts, Performance
>    improvement, Extending backend features, User management, Security etc
> Thanks,
> Giannis
> --
> Ioannis Skitsas
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 4:18 PM SANSKAR GUPTA <snskr95 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote:
>> Hi Giannis
>> I have prepared a proposal for GSoC 2021 [CMS Project] where I tried to
>> explain the ideas we discussed and how I plan to implement them , request
>> you to
>> have a quick look at that and provide me with some feedback.
>> PFA
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Sanskar Gupta
>> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 8:47 AM Giannis E. Skitsas <iskitsas [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sanskar,
>>> The proposed auths are ok. Ideally we would like to give the option to
>>> the user to register also with his email.
>>> The design you are mentioning looks good, you are in the right direction.
>>> The profile pic can be kept in the Sastix-CMS. It is a common approach
>>> we did also for our clients, when used this CMS.
>>> Grafana is ok also. Regarding your experiments with Kubernetes we
>>> propose MicroK8s, but it is up to you for your local tests. Ideally we want
>>> MicroK8s because we also contribute there, and it would be a good chance
>>> for you to be engaged in the future.
>>> SMS API is a luxury at this point, just integrate an email alerts
>>> service, and leave the SMS API as a last priority, if you have time.
>>> Regarding your potential open source idea, it would be very good to
>>> have. Keep an eye on what is currently out there and be careful not to get
>>> too overwhelmed and miss any GSOC deadlines/milestones.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Giannis
>>> --
>>> Ioannis Skitsas
>>> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 2:37 PM SANSKAR GUPTA <snskr95 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Giannis
>>>> I did some research about how to implement frontend and setting up
>>>> monitoring using prometheus, have compiled all my findings into a doc which
>>>> I am attaching with this mail.Please let me know your views on it.
>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>> Sanskar Gupta
>>>> On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 1:59 PM SANSKAR GUPTA <snskr95 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Giannis
>>>>> I have opened 2 issues in the cms repo, related to monitoring and
>>>>> frontend, we can discuss about specific topic in the issue itself , will be
>>>>> easy to track stuff.
>>>>> Thanks and regards
>>>>> Sanskar Gupta
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 3:29 PM Giannis E. Skitsas <iskitsas [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Sanskar,
>>>>>> Do you really need to implement those endpoints for monitoring? There
>>>>>> are already solutions which we could integrate. Just take into account that
>>>>>> we want the whole solution to be dockerized and be able to scale. We prefer
>>>>>> to use Kubernetes, so ideally we want to use monitoring tools that fit well
>>>>>> there (Splunk, NetData, Prometheus, OpenMetrics, DataDog etc).
>>>>>> Regarding Kubernetes/Performance, yes we have used small testbeds to
>>>>>> see how autoscaler works, having videos been served from the
>>>>>> SastixCms-Kubernetes deployment. See this guide
>>>>>> <https://medium.com/@iskitsas/autoscale-a-java-cms-app-with-kubernetes-the-microk8s-approach-from-docker-to-kubernetes-7c021f7d8333>
>>>>>> for details. We have also used a dockerized approach for one of our
>>>>>> customers, with 3 large AWS instances serving content for ~5000 registered
>>>>>> users per daily basis. We have also parameterized the setup there a little
>>>>>> bit, to include NGINX proxies, for better caching and delivering of static
>>>>>> files. So, there are some tradeoffs you have to do when serving large
>>>>>> throughputs, and adopt your architecture accordingly. For this GSOC we are
>>>>>> ok to see something up to experiment level as a proof of concept. If you
>>>>>> are already familiar with those, we are open to discuss any improvements on
>>>>>> architecture level and support it with any new implementations.
>>>>>> For any proposed enhancements, create github issues and we can take
>>>>>> the discussion from there.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Giannis
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Ioannis Skitsas
>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 3:57 PM SANSKAR GUPTA <snskr95 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Giannis
>>>>>>> For GSOC stories , I was thinking if we can start by implementing
>>>>>>> necessary endpoints for disk usage , memory /cpu usage etc using websockets
>>>>>>> as it should be real time if I understand the functionality right.
>>>>>>> After that spring security can be integrated with creator and admin
>>>>>>> roles.We can discuss possibility of having more roles though
>>>>>>> I see you are using hazelcast for caching which according to me is a
>>>>>>> reasonable choice for distributed caching considering its a CMS.
>>>>>>> My doubts are: Has the performance of this app been tested on
>>>>>>> kubernetes, if yes what was the number of running instances?
>>>>>>> Also let me know if my plan to get started with backend enhancements
>>>>>>> sounds fine.We can then discuss the react app.
>>>>>>> Thanks and regards
>>>>>>> Sanskar Gupta
>>>>>>> Masters Student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 9:41 AM Giannis E. Skitsas <
>>>>>>> iskitsas [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Sanskar,
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your feedback. We will review your PR.
>>>>>>>> Regarding the project see here
>>>>>>>> <https://ellak.gr/wiki/index.php?title=Google_Summer_of_Code_2021_proposed_ideas#Expected_Results>
>>>>>>>> for the expected results. We are open to any recommendations.
>>>>>>>> GraphQL and the other "Features in pipeline" you see in the README
>>>>>>>> are not all required for GSOC. Specifically for GraphQL we wanted to have
>>>>>>>> this feature because it is easier for an integrator to understand our APIs
>>>>>>>> and data, and get exactly what you are asking for. You are free to
>>>>>>>> implement any of them if you feel you can deliver them in the proposed
>>>>>>>> timeline.
>>>>>>>> Let me know if you need any other information.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Giannis
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Ioannis Skitsas
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 7:13 PM SANSKAR GUPTA <snskr95 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Mentors
>>>>>>>>> This is regarding the cms  project.
>>>>>>>>> First of all there was an issue in readme , the image url in
>>>>>>>>> sample request body to run the createResource endpoint was not working (was
>>>>>>>>> throwing 400)
>>>>>>>>> So I created an issue and a pull request for the same , requesting
>>>>>>>>> you to review it.
>>>>>>>>> Pull Request Link <https://github.com/sastix/cms/pull/10>
>>>>>>>>> Now regarding the project and possible enhancements about
>>>>>>>>> security, scalability and monitoring,I feel the following tech stack will
>>>>>>>>> be super beneficial and insanely fun to implement
>>>>>>>>> Frontend: Using material ui components to create a react
>>>>>>>>> dashboard for executing role based endpoints.
>>>>>>>>> Security:Integrating spring security for resource access management
>>>>>>>>> Monitoring: Setting up a Grafana dashboard for constant monitoring
>>>>>>>>> API health and performance in TPS
>>>>>>>>> Scaling: Running the pods in a kubernetes pod with in place CI/CD
>>>>>>>>> pipeline , there will be no downtime during container lifecycle
>>>>>>>>> For CI/CD I would say I had some good experiences with CircleCI.
>>>>>>>>> For Archive API , any Relational DB should do the job where we can
>>>>>>>>> store meta data into separate columns or in a single string if redundancy
>>>>>>>>> is the deciding factor
>>>>>>>>> Not sure about the use case of GraphQL
>>>>>>>>> Request you to provide your thoughts on my choice of tech stack
>>>>>>>>> ,also request you to explain me the use case of graphQL in cms.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks and Regards
>>>>>>>>> Sanskar Gupta
>>>>>>>>> Masters Student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
>>>>>>>>> ----
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