Hello again! I'd be interested in implementing the Build recorder idea. But I need some clarifications before I submit my proposal. What are the expected results? Are you thinking of a CLI or a tool that reads build configuration files such as CMake files or Make files? To be honest I was surprised to see that CMake doesn't offer an option to provide info about all compilation units, header files and libraries used. Would such a program that analyzes a make file be enough for GSoC? Or are you thinking of a project that supports many build configuration files such as ninja et cetera? TL;DR: Would a project that analyzes make files and fetches which libraries( linked or static ), compilation units , compiler, compiler options and executable it produces suffice? finally do you have any ideas of your own about how this would be implemented? I am thinking of writing a scanner/parser using Flex and Bison but I'd be open to other ideas and I'll even consider reading make's source to see how they handle make files. Thank you for your time Φώτης
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