ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Regarding the GFOSS lattices project

Dear sir,
        I, Satya Prakash Palai, student of National Institute of Technology
Calicut India,currently studying in 2nd year of my undergraduate program
-"BTech in Material Science and Engineering". I came across a GFOSS Project
named as "Creating new lattices for Apothesis". I had gone through the
brief description of the project mentioned in the website. Being a student
from the material science and engineering branch and coding enthusiast I
think I will be able to meet the requirements of the project. I am
interested in this project and I would like to contribute to this project.
       So I would like to join the discussion panel so I can proceed

Yours truly
Satya Prakash Palai
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