Thank you for your interest in Epoptes,
a) Automating teacher screen broadcasting on GNOME is enough for the
application task.
You may optionally also try on KDE if you wish, but I think it's
currently blocked by the following issue:
b) A working pull request is much better than a standalone script!
On 3/6/23 20:24, touki wrote:
Hi, I'm interested in the Epoptes improvements GSoC project [1].
I'm familiar with many of the related technologies and prerequisites.
Regarding the application task, I would like to ask:
a) Do we have to implement Wayland-based teacher screen broadcasting for
both GNOME and KDE, or is one of them enough?
b) Can it be a Pull Request against the existing Epoptes code, instead
of a standalone script?
Thank you!
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