ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Regarding EDGAR - CRAWLER: Democratizing accessibility to financial NLP documents


My name is Fabian Billert and I'm interested in the project "EDGAR-CRAWLER:
Democratizing accessibility to Financial NLP documents". I'm a PhD student
located in Düsseldorf, Germany, and I'm mostly focused on research in the
financial NLP domain.

While working on financial information extraction from different types of
data, I have participated in some related workshops in the last 2 years: In
two FinNLP workshops, I used different techniques to work with corporate
sustainability information, and in another workshop on multimodal AI for
financial forecasting I used sentiments extracted from news articles to
create a sentiment-steered financial index. You can see some of the papers
I presented there on my google scholar page at the bottom, although some
of the work is still in the process of being published.

During my work with different sources of data, I also wondered about
extracting information from the SEC databases and found the EDGAR-CRAWLER
project while looking for solutions. I am very excited about expanding the
capabilities of the project and creating an easy access for even more
While thinking about the project, I also had some other ideas that might be
interesting - for one, would it not be possible to automate the process of
creating regular expressions using generative LLMs? This might accelerate
the project a lot and also help with similar kinds of projects. I am also
wondering if you are planning to create a user interface for the extracted
Other than that, do you have any other plans for new features after we have
finished adding new types of company filings?

I'm excited to hear back from you soon.

Best regards,
Fabian Billert

My CV: https://www.overleaf.com/read/yqfbrzpqbnzf#8e1844
My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabian-billert-38b54b156/
My GoogleScholar:
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