ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου


Hello Abayisenga,

Regarding your questions, I suggest you review the proposal again:

Personally, I want to see your *analysis and design document*:

I am particularly interested in the business procedures, user stories, and
It would be great if you could create some mockups, but if that’s not
possible, at least include wireframes. Also, I highly recommend getting
familiar with Agile software development methods.

I’d like to see your proposal on what you plan to do—that’s the next step
before implementation. You should have a clear goal for your next steps.

Looking forward to your updates.
Best regards,
Efstathios Iosifidis

Στις Τετ 5 Μαρ 2025 στις 9:49 μ.μ., ο/η Abayisenga Aime Pacifique <
paccy7002 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> έγραψε:

> Thank you for the information and your response.
> I have cloned the github repository for myuom project and already run it
> But after that, I have got some questions that I think answers for them
> are going to help me in preparation of GSoC and be able to get accepted
> into the program.
> The questions are these:
>    - What should I start doing now in order to pass through ?
>    -  What should I consider while writing a competitive project proposal?
>    - How can I start contributing so that I increase the chances of
>    getting accepted to GSoC?
> Best regards,
> Abayisenga Aime
> On Wed, 5 Mar 2025 at 10:50, Efstathios Iosifidis <eiosifidis [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Abayisenga Aime,
>> Thank you for your interest in myUni project.
>> Take your time to read about the scope of the project:
>> https://ellak.gr/wiki/index.php?title=Google_Summer_of_Code_2025_proposed_ideas#MyUni
>> There is a link to the github project
>> https://github.com/Open-Source-UoM/MyUoM
>> We would like to follow the scrum way of developing software, so please
>> take your time:
>> 1. To study myUoM project.
>> 2. Prepare the document analysis and design (you can find the template).
>> It is part of your proposal.
>> If you have any questions, please let us know.
>> Best regards,
>> Efstathios
>> Στις Τετ 5 Μαρ 2025 στις 10:08 π.μ., ο/η Abayisenga Aime Pacifique <
>> paccy7002 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> έγραψε:
>>> Hello Sir/Madam,
>>>  I hope the email finds you well.I have been in the sector of software
>>> development and programming for 3+ years and throughout that period, I have
>>> worked on 2 different major projects that aim to solve the problems in the
>>> society.Having worked on those projects, I've got  to love open source and
>>> since last year, I decided that I should participate in GSoC as it will not
>>> only help gain technical skills in addition to what I already have but also
>>> help me participate in  the process of making world better through
>>> technology.As I gave those goals, I have loved GFOSS and felt that it would
>>> be a precious opportunity to work for the organization especially in this
>>> upcoming GSoC program specifically on the project with the title "
>>> *MyUni*".
>>> Thank you, and your kind response will be highly appreciated.
>>> ----
>>> Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Λίστα αλληλογραφίας και
>>> συζητήσεων που απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές developers \& mentors έργων του
>>> Google Summer of Code - A discussion list for student developers and
>>> mentors of Google Summer of Code projects.,
>>> https://lists.ellak.gr/gsoc-developers/listinfo.html
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>> --
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/eiosifidis/>

Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Λίστα αλληλογραφίας και συζητήσεων που απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές developers \& mentors έργων του Google Summer of Code - A discussion list for student developers and mentors of Google Summer of Code projects.,
Μπορείτε να απεγγραφείτε από τη λίστα στέλνοντας κενό μήνυμα ηλ. ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση <gsoc-developers+unsubscribe [ at ] ellak [ dot ] gr>.


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