Dear Giannis and Thanos, I’m Ishpreet Singh, a Computer Science undergrad with experience in full-stack development and generative AI. I’m excited about the PersonalAIs-Generative AI Agent for Personalized Music Recommendations project and its potential to transform music recommendations through advanced NLP and real-time conversational interfaces. I have one key question: Should I develop the project as a standalone local setup, or is there an existing GitHub repository for contributions? Additionally, I’m exploring ideas such as real-time, emotion-driven song transitions to dynamically adjust playlists—a feature that could further personalize the user experience. I’d love to know if this aligns with your vision. Could you please advise on the development setup? Also, may I have your direct contact emails for further discussion, or should I continue via the gsoc-developers mailing list? Thank you for your time and guidance. Best regards, Ishpreet Singh ishpreet36752 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com +91 6006670789 LinkedIn: GitHub:
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