ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

[GSoC 2025] Question about Project PersonalAIs

Hello, I am interested in the *PersonalAIs: Generative AI Agent for
Personalized Music Recommendations* project and am currently working on my
draft proposal for review.

I wanted to check if there are any additional steps I should take beyond
submitting the proposal—such as preliminary discussions, prerequisite
tasks, or any specific expectations you may have for potential
contributors. Additionally, I am unsure if sending an email here is the
only way to contact the mentors or if there are other preferred
communication channels (e.g., a dedicated Slack, Discord, or separate
mentor emails).

I would also appreciate guidance on the preferred method and *platform for
submitting my draft proposal*. Should I send it via email, or share it
through a GitHub repository for feedback?

Looking forward to your guidance. Thank you for your time!

Best regards,

Sameer Kankute
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