ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: GSoC 2025 Inquiry - Interest in Open Technologies Alliance - GFOSS Projects

Greetings Dheeraj,

Thank you for expressing your interest in *Personal AIs: Generative AI
Agent for Personalized Music Recommendations!*

Please review the project description and send us a draft proposal for

Explore the Spotify API in detail, experiment with its features, and
determine how you can utilise the available data to generate
recommendations. Since this forms the core of the project, it is important
to describe this process clearly in the proposal, explaining how metadata,
user preferences, and audio analysis will be leveraged for personalisation.

Additionally, please plan how you can implement emotion detection and
emotion shift detection. Specifically, outline the methods you will use to
analyze conversational input, infer user mood, and adjust recommendations
dynamically based on mood changes.

For playlist management, specify which Spotify API endpoints will be useful
and how you plan to use them.

Make sure to play around with the code to see what is feasible for you.

Thank you!

Kind Regards,
Giannis Prokopiou & Thanos Aidinis

Στις Τετ 12 Μαρ 2025 στις 8:25 π.μ., ο/η Dheeraj Maddi <
dheerajmaddi [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> έγραψε:

> Dear Giannis and Thanos,
> My name is Dheeraj Maddi, and I am a full-stack developer with experience
> in Python, Java, React, TypeScript, Express, and Python visualization
> libraries. I am writing to express my strong interest in contributing to
> your organization through Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2025.
> I have reviewed your project ideas and am particularly drawn to:
>>    - A Tool for Visualizing the Arguments, Sentiments and User
>>    Interactions of Online Discussions
>>    - Personal AIs: Generative AI Agent for Personalized Music
>>    Recommendations
>>    - Exploring and Abstracting Triplestore Alternatives
>>    - MyUni
>> These projects align with my existing skills and also offer opportunities
> to expand my knowledge in areas such as NLP, ML, pre-trained generative
> models, and LLMs, which I am eager to learn.
> Given my background and the learning curve involved in each project, I
> would greatly appreciate your guidance in choosing the most suitable
> project for my skills and interests.
>> Furthermore, could you please provide information on:
>>    - Any prerequisite tasks or knowledge I should acquire before the
>>    application period opens on March 24th.
>>    - Key aspects to highlight in my proposal to increase my chances of
>>    selection.
>> Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the
> possibility of contributing to your organization.
> Best regards,
> Dheeraj Maddi
> GitHub <https://github.com/Dheerajmaddi>
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