Thanks for your interest in the project, Maira.
I don't have much to add, and I'm looking forward
receiving your application.
Keep in mind that for testing and analysis parts,
I can also provide data (more than enough!),
so that you can work with real-world data
and not only synthetic ones.
On Wed, Mar 12, 2025, at 11:40, Maira Papadopoulou wrote:
> Dear Alexios Zavras,
> I hope this email finds you well. My name is Maira and I am a
> third-year undergraduate student at the Department of Informatics and
> Telecommunications in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. I
> recently came across the "Exploring and Abstracting Triplestore
> Alternatives" project for Google Summer of Code 2025, and I am very
> interested in contributing to it. I find the idea of analyzing and
> developing an abstraction layer for various triplestore alternatives
> both fascinating and impactful for the semantic web, especially in the
> context of making RDF-based data management more accessible to
> developers.
> Regarding the knowledge prerequisites, I have experience in Python, C,
> which I believe will be valuable for both the implementation and
> performance evaluation aspects of the project. Although I have no
> direct experience with SPARQL, I have experience with SQL also, and
> after researching SPARQL’s syntax, I noticed that its basic structure
> is quite similar to SQL. Given this similarity, I believe I can adapt
> to SPARQL quickly and effectively.
> To effectively contribute to the project, I plan to follow a structured
> approach aligned with the methodology in the Contributor's Guidance:
> a) For the 'Research' part, I will begin by studying different
> triplestore alternatives, such as Blazegraph, Virtuoso, GraphDB and
> Stardog analyzing their architectures, query execution models, and
> storage strategies.
> b) For the 'Testing' part, I will set up and run some basic SPARQL
> queries on these different triplestores, testing their performance
> under different conditions, such as varying dataset sizes.
> c) For the 'Analysis' part, I will identify advantages and weaknesses
> of each alternative by benchmarking execution times and memory usage.
> d) For the 'Develop' part, I would greatly appreciate further
> clarification on the expected functionality of the Python library.
> Understanding its intended role, whether it should primarily serve as a
> middleware for processing and routing SPARQL queries or include
> additional optimization features like translating RDF data to Python,
> would help me strengthen my application.
> e) For the 'Documentation' part, once I gain a comprehensive
> understanding of the implementation of the library, I will ensure that
> the library is thoroughly documented so that other developers can
> easily integrate and utilize the abstraction layer.
> I would love the opportunity to discuss this project further and
> understand how I can best contribute. Please let me know if there are
> any additional resources that would be helpful for me to review.
> Looking forward to your response.
> Best regards,
> Maira Papadopoulou
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