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There's now one system available for every two students. "<span>The Junta of Extremadura has also created 33 computing centers for the general population. The centers feature one-on-one computer assistance, so users who are unfamiliar with computers can learn computer and e-mail basics. The centers have drawn citizens of all ages and walks of life. The oldest user of the centers is 99 years old.</span>"<hr width="60%" align="left"> (<a href="/login?target=/Articles/36774/">Log in</a> to post comments) <p> <p> <table class="CommentBox" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td> <table class="CommentHL"> <tr><td><b> Extremadura, Spain deploys 80,000 GNOME desktops</b></td></tr> </table> <table class="CommentBody"> <tr> <td class="CommentBody"> (Posted Jun 18, 2003 17:05 UTC (Wed) by <b>mmarq</b>) (<a href="/Articles/36840/comment">Post reply</a>) <p> The all open-source movement needs more victorys like this!...a big aplause for the new heroe "Extrenmadura regional goverment" <p></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <p> <p> <table class="CommentBox" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td> <table class="CommentHL"> <tr><td><b> Extremadura, Spain deploys 80,000 GNOME desktops</b></td></tr> </table> <table class="CommentBody"> <tr> <td class="CommentBody"> (Posted Jun 18, 2003 20:04 UTC (Wed) by <b>ami [ dot ] ganguli [ at ] stonesoft [ dot ] com</b>) (<a href="/Articles/36898/comment">Post reply</a>) <p> I found an IDC report that put the PC shipments in Spain at 380,000 during the first quarter of last year. If we assume that 380k X 4 is a reasonable approximation of the size of the Spanish market, then this deal alone is about 5% of annual sales.<p>That's pretty cool. <p></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <p> </td></tr></table> <p> <!-- Below ends the full table. --> </td></tr></table> <P> <center> <font size="-2"> Copyright (©) 2003, Eklektix, Inc.<BR> Linux (®) is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds<br> Web hosting provided by <a href=""></a>. </font> </center> </body></html>