ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Join us against software patents in Strasbourg!

5-6 July 2005
Strasbourg : final attack against sotware patents !
Wed. 5 July the European Parliament will debate the Software Patents
(CII) Directive and on Wed. 6 the members will vote. It is your last
chance to express your opposition to software patents.
We urge you to come to Strasbourg to demonstrate, leaflet and
participate to a happening in the yard of EP on 5-6 July, in order to
convince the MEPs to vote for Michel Rocard's amendments and to refuse
to follow the intense pro-patent lobby that has been around the last
Registration brunonicostrate [ at ] yahoo [ dot ] fr
coaches are organized from the Netherlands, Spain, several French towns
; individual departures from  Belgium, Germany ... and other countries.
Mardi 05/07/2005:      07h30-12h00 Rassemblement et distribution de tracts 
                       13h00-17h00 demo 
Mercredi 06/07/2005:   07h30-12h00 gathering and leafletting 
                       Sit-in, Die-in,... 
                       08h00-10h30 Happening in the yard of EP ! 
                       12h00 Voting time !

Antonios Christofides

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